
    Our online learning platform allows you to study a selection of Nationally Accredited courses in the comfort of your own home or office, and at your own pace.

    Online learning allows you to access your courses and learning materials at any time of the day or night. Study when it suits you and complete your subjects and assignments in your own time, with no due dates and no classes to attend. Please take the time to read the instructions included with each course. 

    I understand that On-line training may be difficult at times, if you have any concerns or questions regarding the material provided, please feel free to reach out to me via email at paul.k@eib.edu.au.

    When you are studying outside normal working hours there may be times that you will want to ask questions and we will not be available, therefore the best way to ask questions of us is via email. Send any questions you have to me at paul.k@eib.edu.au and one of our team will reply to you during the working day.

    The EIB/HERA Facebook group House Energy Raters Group | Facebook will also enhance your peer interaction through discussion forums that foster a stronger sense of community and collaborative learning.

    I wish you success with the journey you are about to embark.  

    Paul Kearney

    CEO & Founder
    Education In Building & HERA